Monday, August 15, 2022

Personalized Learning: It's Time for a Change.

As educators, we often dream of "What If" and we talk about our ideal situation in the classroom. Other times, we read or watch a video of an amazing classroom where everyone is all smiles and engaged in their learning and we call it "Education Utopia" and not real and add something like "They don't have my kids".  Consequently, we often fall back and begin to think, "Yeah, but..." and things remain the same. We have been talking and talking for decades (me included) about learning for all and meeting the needs of all of our students, yet we have not had systemic change in education. We have pockets of excellence and innovation, yet much has remained the same. 

What If I told you it can be real and Ohio has assembled a team of specialist from across the state to help transform your classroom, building, or district into what is often called "Utopia".

In August of 2021, the Office of Personalized Learning was created at the Ohio Department of Education. Shortly after, ten educational service centers (ESC) from around Ohio were awarded grants to create a position of Personalized Learning Specialists. At the same time, ESCs around the state not awarded funding understood the importance of this work and began joining the network because they saw the value in the work. This fall, innovative schools and districts along with their courageous learning facilitators (teachers) and building leaders from across Ohio will become the first cohort of educators to join the Ohio Personalized Learning Network. The educators who accept the challenge of being the trailblazers for Ohio will begin the transformation of their learning communities from a heavily teacher-centered culture to one that places students at the center and becomes a learner-centered, learner-driven culture. Think of a teacher-centered culture:
  • Teachers are the holders of the knowledge
  • Teachers make the majority of the decisions
  • Students wait for directions and guidance from the teacher
  • Majority of students are covering the same material before an assessment and then move on after the assessment regardless of whether everyone mastered the content or not.
  • Student engagement is an issue: sometimes because they are bored and other times because they cannot keep up with the pace of the lesson and they become disengaged due to a lack of ability to master the standards, they become discouraged and lose motivation to try.
Does this sound like a classroom you know? Not being critical because I do believe that as educators we strive to do our best; however, does this sound pretty common? As you reflect on this classroom and the practices in your buildings and districts, yourself a couple simple questions:

1. Are you meeting the needs of all learners?
2. Do all of your learners leave your school with a plan for their future?
3. Are our learners engaged in a meaningful learning process that is preparing them for their future?

If the answer is yes. that is awesome and I would say continue with what you are doing. However, if that is not the case, I would challenge you to create the opportunity for change and consider learning more about Personalized Learning.

In a personalized, learner-centered classroom, the learners are empowered to be a part of their learning and increase ownership. It goes beyond differentiation and small-group instruction which many think of when you think of Personalized Learning.  While that plays a part in a personalized, learner-centered classroom, there are other elements. Eric Sheninger (2021) has visited and worked with hundreds of schools across the US and identified these key elements:
  • Focused on the Learner
  • Adaptable & Authentic
  • Future-Focused Curriculum & Assessment
  • Differentiated Instruction & Pacing
  • Personalized to Learner's Interests
  • Aligned Virtual and & Classroom Instruction
  • Balanced Virtual & Classroom Instruction

Over the past year, Ohio Personalized Learning Specialists have been engaged in examining the work of others around the country and identified the key components of a Personalized Learning Classroom highlighted below:
  • Learner Driven
  • Optimal Pace and Path
  • Evidence of Learning and Feedback
  • Authentic Learning
  • Flexible Learning Environment

The Ohio Personalized Learning Network (OPLN) has been examining the work taking place across the country in states like South Carolina and North Dakota. There are examples of personalized learning right here in Ohio with districts like Marysville Exempted Village School District and Delaware City Schools. In September, The OPLN is excited to support the trailblazers for Ohio that are looking at joining districts like Marysville and Delaware to truly transform the educational practices that have been ingrained in all of us since the industrial age. There are three opportunities to help learning facilitators (teachers), building leaders, and districts to learn and/or apply some concepts of personalized learning. 

The first option is Explore. In Explore, a building team consisting of the principal and a small team will go through some module to learn more about what personalized learning really is. You will be supported by your regional PL specialists. These modules are flexible and would allow for a building to determine their own timeline for completing the modules.

The next option is Launch. In Launch, a building and/or district would make a 2-yr commitment and join a cohort of schools that would examine Personalized Learning and begin with actionable strategies they can utilize to begin implementing Personalized Learning.  A small team will be formed consisting of the principal, a coach, at least 3 teachers, and a district representative. You would work with your regional PL specialists to determine the best path for you and be supported along your journey by the entire network.

Lastly, there is Transform. In Transform, a district would commit to joining a 5-year cohort and begin a district-level transformation and adoption of a personalized learning approach to education. This would involve key stakeholders from around your district. Again though, you would be supported by your regional Ohio Personalized Learning Specialist team. 

You can visit to find out more information. If you are ready to make a change in your building, you may sign up for launch and take that first step to transforming learning in your building. If you want more details, reach out to your Ohio Personalized Learning Specialists from across Ohio listed below.

 I'm Ready to Launch

Educational Service CenterPersonalized Learning SpecialistEmail
Educational Service Center of Central OhioChristina Grady-Watts
Madison-Champaign County Educational Service Center
Tracy Merica
Educational Service Center of Northeast OhioAmy

Educational Service Center of Western Reserve & Summit County Educational Service Center

Ohio Valley/Athens-Meigs Educational Service Center
Muskingum Valley Educational Service Center
Educational Service Center of Lake Erie WestHeather
Mercer County Educational Service CenterMissy
Montgomery County Educational Service CenterLiz Wolfe-Eberly
Butler County Educational Service CenterTammy
North Point Educational Service CenterBrandi 
Hamilton County Educational Service CenterAllison 
Educational Service Center of East Central OhioMarcia 

While this blog is not designed or intended to answer all your questions regarding Personalized Learning, I hope it has made you reflect on your current practices in your classrooms, building, and districts. Maybe even reflect on your own child's experiences with learning? I hope you will take the time and review some of the resources and possibly reach out to your Personalized Learning specialists to find out more and how you can transform education for your community.

I appreciate you taking the time to read my ramblings and if you want to connect and continue this conversation, give me a follow on Twitter @CMill_STEMguy or shoot me a direct message. Personalized Learning is not an initiative...It is a call to action to transform education.

Here are additional resources for you to review regarding components of Personalized Learning:

Learn more about Explore, Launch, or Transform

Agency by Design: Making Learning Engaging

What is Competency-Based Education?

Students Talk Equitable and Personalized Learning Podcast

Are We Listening to our Learners?

Personalized Learning at Marysville Schools (short video)


Sheninger, E. (2021). Disruptive thinking in our classrooms: Preparing learners for their future. 

        Connect EDD: Chicago, Illinois.


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